Our Brief
Kenya Girl Guides Association, formed in 1922 as anchored in the Laws of Kenya Cap 220 is a multi racial, non-religion, non-political, and non profit making organization is one of the Largest Girls only movement in Kenya that seeks to help girls realize their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.
We are a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).
Kenya Gril Guide Association (KGGA) is privileged to be the home of the founders Lord and Lady Baden Powell.

Dignity, Integrity, Spirituality, Servant Leadership and Citizenship
Statements and Values
Girls Creating a better world.
To raise Girls and Young Women to become beacons of integrity nurturing and championing social values
The Association shall is based on the principles of:-
- Voluntary Membership;
- Acceptance of girls regardless of race, nationality, community or religion on a basis of complete equality;
- self-governing national organization completely independent of any political or religious or other organization;
- Co-operation with other organizations with similar aims and non-political character and the maintenance of friendly relations with other Girl Guide and Girl Scout Associations in other countries, which are recognized by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.