Membership Info


Kenya Girl Guides Association has been active in Kenya for over 90 years with a membership comprising of every race, ethnicity, culture, class and religion.

The Association is the largest girls’ only movement in Kenya raising girls and young women to be beacons of integrity nurturing and championing social values.

Kenya Girl Guides Association membership is open to girls from 3 to 18 years of age and Young women 18years and over. Each girl and adult member makes a promise which show their commitment to the principles of Guiding.

Guides get to:

  • Try a wide range of activities appropriate to their age, abilities and interests
  • Discover, decide, plan, do and evaluate their program with the guidance of a trained g Leader
  • Earn a wide variety of badges and a great sense of achievement
  • develop life skills, confidence to think and act for themselves, respect for the environment and a sense of community.

How Guiding benefits Girls

When your daughter becomes a Rainbow, Brownie, Girl Guide, Ranger or Young Leader she will join a group of girls; her own age and will be led by our carefully trained and dedicated Guide Leaders. Whatever inspires your daughter, whatever her passions and interests, Girl guiding offers her the chance to develop her potential, make friends and have fun.

For example, through regular group meetings or at special events and trips the girl is able to:

  • Conquer her fears
  • Gain a leadership qualification
  • Try out new games and sports
  • Tend her first ever sleepover
  • Support other girls to learn about body confidence
  • Campaign for the rights of girls all over the world
  • Put up her first tent
  • Go on an international adventure

Learn skills that will boost her CV

  • Do a music performance
  • Have lots of fun
  • Join a Guide Unit of similar age girls.

There are seven branches of Girl programming namely:

Rainbows                     -3-6years

Brownies                     -7-10years

Girl Guides                  -11-14years

Rangers                       -15-18years

Young Leaders             -19-30years

Bravo Guide                 -31-50years

Trefoil Guild                -50+ years

Membership Registration Fee






Girls (Rainbow- Rangers) – Public Schools Nil Nil Nil
Girls (Rainbow – Rangers) – Private Schools 50 50
Unit 300 300 600
Guide Leader 200 200 400
Young Leaders 200 200 400
Trainers 200 200 400
Commissioners 500 500 1000
National Council 1000 1000 2000

You do a wonderful job with those kids that need us so much, and for the people in need all over the globe. I will definitely join you as a volunteer!

Sharon Njeri

It's always a pleasure to work with these guys - they know what they want and that is why they achieve their goals. Thanks a lot for the team spirit and your work!

Irene Kwamboga

Their performance in the most dangerous cases was extremely successful. As a result of this collaboration, rescue mission did happen. Thanks a lot to you!

Winnie Atieno