Ranger Guide

Who is a Ranger Guide? A Ranger or a Ranger Guide is a girl who belongs to a Ranger Branch which is one of the branches of Kenya Girl Guides Association.  This branch comprises of girls between 14-18 years, rather in secondary schools. Ranger is all about leadership and community involvement and a flexible program that allows teens to create their own unique Guiding experience. Young women begin to explore career options and learn valuable skills such as budgeting and event planning. Rangers are also involved in active leadership opportunities like global development projects, eco-awareness initiatives and teaching skills to younger girls as Girl Assistants. Flexibility and choice are very much a part of the Ranger Programme. Young women are challenged to explore new experiences and take responsibility for their own planning.  Taking an active part in their communities is strongly encouraged. Ranger Guide Activities
Ranger Guides

Ranger Guides

  • Rangers enjoy adventures, setting their own goals and achieving them; learning what is important to them, developing their own values and a personal code to live by.
  • Understanding the importance of communities and learning more about the world and most of all having food and fun with their friends!
  • Developing leadership skills as they become more independent in making decisions.
  • Learning about budgeting for living away from home; learnt during outdoor activities such as camping.
  • Being a Ranger Guide is about challenging girls to achieve personal goals while having fun in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Leading discussions about body image and the media
  • Connecting with the wider world through international travel and global development projects

You do a wonderful job with those kids that need us so much, and for the people in need all over the globe. I will definitely join you as a volunteer!

Sharon Njeri

It's always a pleasure to work with these guys - they know what they want and that is why they achieve their goals. Thanks a lot for the team spirit and your work!

Irene Kwamboga

Their performance in the most dangerous cases was extremely successful. As a result of this collaboration, rescue mission did happen. Thanks a lot to you!

Winnie Atieno